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Holidays are so much more fun when you bring more people!
Stunning rural locations away from the hustle and bustle of urban life we've got a luxury selection of beautiful and unique large holiday homes to rent ideal for groups looking for a cottage holiday. Whether there's 6 of you, 12 of you or maybe more these larger holiday homes boast room for everyone with some accommodating for more fun including games rooms and more! You'll find multiple bedrooms ideal for large parties and families alongside plenty of space for everyone throughout the property too.
Equipped with all the features and commodities you would expect from a large luxury holiday cottage including a complimentary welcome hamper, these big rural houses will make the perfect base for your getaway. Whether you're planning on staying in and enjoying the seclusion or planning on getting out and about to see the sights, we've got a great range of choice. Ideal for large groups such as family holidays, family occasions, friends or even corporate events.
From southern UK to Scotland and everywhere in between we've got all locations covered with plenty of choice. All our big group holiday cottages are self-catering with the amenities you need to keep everyone fed and watered throughout your stay. You'll find our large holiday retreats located in the very best places; National parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Our partner company West Bay Cottages will complete your search.
You are being redirected to Hoseasons for more details on The West Bay Cottages.
Starter pack included View details
Welcome hamper included View details
Welcome hamper included
A complimentary welcome hamper is provided on your arrival including essentials such as tea, coffee, sugar and milk along with a few extra goodies. Please note that the size and contents of the hamper may vary from property to property and there may be seasonal variances. Sadly we are unable to vary the contents according to preference, or cater for individual dietary requirements.
Starter pack included
A complimentary starter pack will be awaiting you on your arrival containing fresh coffee, tea, sugar, fresh milk and biscuits.
A complimentary starter pack will be waiting for you on your arrival, containing; Tea, Coffee, Milk and Sugar
A complimentary starter pack will be awaiting for you on your arrival containing fresh coffee, tea, sugar, fresh milk and biscuits.
A complimentary starter pack is provided on your arrival which includes essentials such as tea, coffee, sugar and milk (contents may vary per property).
A complimentary starter pack is provided on your arrival which includes essentials such as tea, coffee, sugar and milk.
A Dorset complimentary starter pack will be awaiting for you on your arrival containing fresh coffee, tea, sugar, fresh milk and biscuits.
A Cornish complimentary starter pack will be awaiting for you on your arrival containing, Tea, Coffee, Cornish Biscuits, Sugar and Milk
A Cotswolds complimentary starter pack will be awaiting for you on your arrival containing fresh coffee, tea, sugar, fresh milk and biscuits.
An Isle of Wight complimentary starter pack will be awaiting for you on your arrival containing fresh coffee, tea, sugar, fresh milk and biscuits.
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